Thursday, September 25, 2014

Lock and Load Your Content

Don't stop creating the content that you need for your online sites.  It is like eating.  You always know that another meal is going to be needed in just a few hours.  The same thing applies to your online sites, you are going to want to post more content.

What happens to a lawn that does not get any water?  It will quickly turn from the dark green color into a dry brown before too long.  You have to think about being consistent in your content creation.  It is something that needs to get done all the time without even considering turning it off.

The content that you create might be ready to put into action now, or you could have it go live published at a specific time.  It all depends on how you want to play it.  You might want to create a lot of content at one time when you are in the mood for it.  If you are using your new articles for a blog, this could be your secret.  You might use a time period to get your site loaded up with content for holidays, or specific times of the year.  You could also think about your sites like magazines.  Come up with a content calendar and then make sure that it is released at regular time.

What if you are having a hard time coming up with something for new content?  Don't even worry about it.  Just get started with writing.  Take the step of going through the motion of writing.  Just start typing or writing something down.  You are instantly coming up with content and just a few words could lead you to thinking about something else.

Brainstorming topics is a quick way to start getting your new content started.  It is just like ringing a bell.  The bell rings and you automatically start thinking about a race.  You might even think about a mental picture of a group of people around a track and they are just starting to rise from the starting blocks.  A simple image like this is an easy way to think about your content creation.   Take running for example.  The topic of running is broad.  There are different forms of running.  Sprints and long distance running are two distinct forms of running.  Think about your topics in the same way.  Take the broad subjects and then break them down into niches.  

Scheduling your content in a blog can allow you to keep on moving forward in your online business.  You might have a burst of energy for creating articles in a weekend and you can generate enough content to keep your sites ready with new information.  When you get new ideas for articles, don't let them fly away because you don't jump on them.  Write the article ideas down on paper or in your smartphone.  You might not write the articles immediately, but you could come back to the thought later and not have to start from a blank piece of paper. You might be able to come back to the thought later and come up with some new thoughts on the subject.

Keep on coming up with new information for your readers and keep on planning ahead.  Planning and ideas are key going forward.  Right now there are people that are opening up their brand spanking new apple iphone 6 and apple iphone 6 plus smartphones. They knew that there would be upgrades to the smartphone coming from apple.  Somebody planned and innovated and delivered a product.  You are in the same type of business.  You are in the content and information business.  Do you think an apple iphone 7 will be coming in the future?  Sure it will.  You want to plan and think about the future when it comes to your online sites.  Line up your content when you don't really need it.  

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