Sunday, November 17, 2013

Start Setting Your Goals for the End of the Year and the New Year

Take the time to pick up a book and learn something new.Watching tv is okay sometimes, but you can learn a lot from reading.  I am just now diving into a book by napoleon hill.  He is the guy that wrote think and grow rich.  If you have not read that book, you should check it out.

Reading a book and getting more information is not the final answer.  There is another step that you have to take.  Just like a car with a full tank of gas, you have to actually drive it to go somewhere.  You can sit in a luxury car with a full tank of premium gas, but if you don't put the key in and turn the car on, you are not going anywhere.  Reading is the same way.  You have to take what you learn and put it into action.

Come up with some goals and start putting them into action.  Take one step closer to reaching your goals.  This year is almost over, but you can still make things happen.  If you are ready to write this year off, you can start thinking about what you want to get done next year.  

What are your goals?

Starting a new business

Writing an ebook

Making money online

Buying a house

Getting a professional degree


Rebuilding relationships

You get the idea.  Start coming up with the things that you want to do and start putting a date to get them done along site the goals.  Start looking at all the steps that it will take to get the job done.  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Decide To Be Successful

Are you thinking that you are going to be successful?  Are you losing the game before you take your first attempt?  You have to condition yourself to win.  Just think about the professional sports players.  They practice.  They come up with game plans. They have to see themselves winning the game before they take the field.  Can you see yourself winning at the start?

Making More Connections.

I was sitting in a class not too long ago, and the speaker was talking on the topic of raising private money for investments.  You might think that you don't have access to resources, but you are probably limiting your thinking. Think about all the people that you know in your social networks. 

It is important to get more information.  

Doing the same thing over and over again without progress is just a waste of time.  You have to start expanding your thinking and trying new strategies.  Getting more information might help you get over some hurdles that have been standing in your way.  Are you afraid to move forward?  Are you scared of failing?  You have to be ready to push past the failures to make progress.

Coming up with your business plans.

Do you have a plan for your business?  Do you have some goals?  If you don't, you are going to waste time.  Goals and plans can help you stay focused.  They can help you eliminate some of the distractions that can suck on your time.  Write down what you want to do and start getting those things done.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Unlimited Income with Business

Business is different than getting a job.  A business does not have a cap or limit on the amount of money that can be made.  A business has the duty to make as much money as possible. 

A job might be capped by an annual salary.  Some employees might be able to earn bonuses or they might get paid on commission.  They might have a chance to earn much more than a person that has a capped income.

Starting a business venture means that a person is stepping across the line from regular employment.  A business can live for a long time.  A job can get eliminated or outsourced.  Starting your own business gives a person more control, but it comes with a different set of challenges.

Some people are forced into starting their own business. The job market might be in a down cycle, but people still have skills.  Starting a business when the economy is tough is not such a bad idea.  The thing to remember is that there is always going to be change.  One business might fail, but another business opportunity might be ready for prime time.

When the economy goes down and people start losing their jobs, it can cause real financial problems.  One big result is people start missing payments and their credit can be damaged.  A person might have good credit as long as they have a job, but their good credit can turn into bad credit in a small amount of time.  There are companies that can help turn that situation around.

Robert Allen talks about getting multiple streams of income.  A person should really think about adding a small or home business to their income streams.  Even if the business brings in a small amount of money, it can help be the seeds that lead to more income and wealth.  A person could use the biz income to pay down bills or start investing.

Rebuilding Credit

Cheap Biz Cards or Printing Biz Cards with an Inkjet Printer

Will you pay for better looking business cards?  I was having an argument the other day about biz cards.  I think that your business cards should look good.  You don't have to spend a lot of money on them, but I don't think they should be those flimzy biz cards that you print with your printer.

I don't like the edges and they just give off the too cheap look.  Your business cards should be a good rep for your business and services.  

Do you pay attention to the biz cards that you get?  Do you really care about how they look or are you more concerned with the service that you get.

You can find cheap biz card offers all the time.  I just feel that you don't have to pay a lot or be fancy.  They should just provide a quality look and feel.

Watch the Video - Putting in the work or using shortcuts

Are there really shortcuts to getting things done online and earning?  You might quickly think that shortcuts are a bad thing, but they are not.

Shortcuts are just better processes.  You can spend a lot of time trying to get things done, but there might be better and more efficient ways to complete your tasks.

The key to shortcuts is that someone else has already invested the time to learn the secrets.  There is no getting around doing the hard work.  The shortcut is really just the results of all the other efforts that people have put into place.

The work is getting done, but you have to know that the person that did the work breaks through faster.  They get the inside information as a result to spending those long and hard hours testing and trying new things.  

The person that discovers the shortcut is the person that has to endure the failures and keep going.  The advantage is the gain from all that work that other people take for granted.  There is also another benefit of the person that made the shortcut.  The person that put in the work has tried lots of different things.  You might only be aware of the shortcut, but the person that worked will have lots of other insights that you don't know about.

Learn more about shortcuts and how they can have an impact by watching this video.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Real Online Income

Websites are so easy to make that it is crazy.  How many sites do you have in your online portfolio?  You don't even need to know how to make websites anymore.  

What you need is a good idea and plenty of great content.  You can find content online just by searching online.  The biggest cost can be your internet domain names, but even they can be picked up for less money when you know where to look.

You have to know what your online goals are for the sites that you create.  Niche websites can be put online quickly with the right tools.  What are the tools that you need?  We will dive into this.

Domain names are the first step.  Niche marketing with domains means knowing your keywords.  What are people searching for related to your niche?  The google keyword tool is gone, but you can still use the keyword planner or another tool.  Find the highly searched keywords and pick a good domain name.  You can get domain name deals on the first year, if you look hard for them.

The next step is getting web hosting and finding a place to put your files.  There are lots of free hosting plans.  You could also get your own web hosting and pay on a monthly or yearly payment plan.

The bottom line will come with the content.  Can you write lots of great content all the time?  Even if you are not a great writer, you need to have content for the sites that you create.  Some writers make their content available for free.  They might give away content that you can use on your niche blogs and sites.  It is called plr content.  You can do a quick search and find all kinds of writing.

The real genius will find a way to put all these pieces together to turn them into good looking sites that generate traffic and online sales.  Are you going to be the person that takes what is in front of them and turns it into real online income?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Take Your Biz to the Next Level

Small biz owners need to keep up with what is going on.  Why do they need to do this?  Advancements are happening all the time.  Just think about how often smartphone companies and tech companies are releasing new devices.  They are constantly doing research and development for the new thing.

Are you doing research and development for your small biz?  Just because a business is small or a home business does not excuse you from keeping up with the pack.  The business world is always changing.  You don't want to stand still while everybody else is moving forward.

New software apps might make your business run better.  New technology like computer tablets might add more flexibility to your biz.  There are probably a lot of people that have a small business website that has never been updated.

Web development is just one example.  There are better ways of getting things done.  A small biz owner needs to look at their business all the time and think about how to improve. 

Are you looking to improve your business?  Doing the same things over and over again that don't work can be a waste of time and resources.  

Biz owners have to keep trying new things and testing to see what is really valuable.  Have you ever taken a look at where your business is coming from?  What is the makeup of your client base?  Leadership in your biz needs to start with you.  You have to take a hard look at your company and set the direction.

The internet is a great resource for information.  Use it to help improve your company.  There are lots of things that you can do that don't cost money.  Youtube is a great resource where you can learn new marketing tactics.  Leverage the web to take your company to the next level.

Social Media for Your Small Biz

People like to talk.  Why not use it for your small biz?  What am I talking about?  I am talking about social media.  People are using the social media platforms for all kinds of reasons.  They are checking up on friends and family or talking about the stuff that they like. They are following news items and commenting on their favorite things.  

Social media sites like twitter are really quick ways to share info.  How can you use this for your small biz?  Create social media profiles and use them.  

Lead online in social media by posting information.  You can post information about your business or you can create comments in general.  What are the current topics being discussed on social media?  Twitter has a list of the trending topics.  Take a look at them to see if they fit your small biz niche.  What do you think about the twitter trends?  Post a quick tweet.

Fill out your social media profiles.  Provide good looking graphics and be sure to include links to your websites and blogs.  Learn about the details of the sites that you choose to use.  They have rules and functions.  Do you know how to use a hashtag?  Do you know how to retweet or do a direct message?  Learn the basics of the platform.

Leverage social media for your biz.  It is a quick way to get news and a good way to interact online.  Social media posts might be used for more than just short texts.  Do you have links to pictures, videos, audios or new blog posts?  Add them to your social media timeline. 


Multiple ways to communicate for your small biz

One of the items that you need for a home business is a phone. You don't just want to have one phone for your business.  A cell phone is what most people will think of when they are first starting up their home biz.

Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.  A cell phone is great for small biz, but what happens when you don't have good reception?  What if you need to talk to a client and the phone call sounds horrible?  Don't rely just on a cell phone or a smartphone.   You always want to have a backup plan for calling.

What about setting up a landline phone?  I know it seems kind of old school, but the landline phones are solid and they work.  There are some really cheap unlimited calling plans for cell phones, but the costs for a landline phone might be higher.

What about internet calling plans?  Think about adding a skype account or another leading voip calling service.  You want to give yourself a few different options to get calls.  Skype is super cheap and you could also get a google voice number.  

Staying in contact with clients and prospects is a part of running your own small biz.  Give yourself multiple ways of staying in contact.  The costs for communications does not have to be high and it can provide a better look to clients, customers and vendors.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Home Business Owner Secret

What if you don't have a product to sell with your home business?  I just finished watching a video that focused on private label rights content.  It could be a big help to a home business owner.

Private label rights content can be used in a number of different ways and a biz owner should pay attention.  What if you could get content for free or really cheap and use it to your benefit?  This is the secret of private label products.

The name sounds really long, but you are probably using plr products already and you don't know it.  Have you ever seen the store brand?  So if you are at walmart, they have their own version of everything.  They might have a walmart version of sodas or coffee.  You might better know plr products by the term generics.  

PLR products give you a chance to put your own name on them.  This could save a biz owner a lot of time.  Instead of sitting down and writing a lot of content, they could use plr as a foundation and create new products much faster.

Think about all the small businesses that don't have a website.  Think about all the biz owners that want to write a book.  PLR can help a biz owner get these types of products completed quickly.

The content might be general and that gives the biz owner a chance to put their own spin on the content.  Check the rules for using the plr.  

You can watch videos online that detail some of the different ways that you can leverage plr.  You might want to create a new blog in a new niche.  You could get lots of plr and turn them into different blog posts.  You could use plr to create free ebooks to give away to prospects for joining your mailing list.  There are lots of different ideas for how to make the most use plr.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Make Presentations and Slideshows

promoting your home business with slideshows and presentations is easy to do.  What if you don't want to write really long blog posts about your business, but you still want to get some extra traffic?

Use presentations.  You have lots of information that you can share through presentations and slides.  You might have a really detailed blog post, but you want to connect with your audience with quicker hitting information.  A slideshow presentation or a video of the slides might be a better way to grab some prospects.

Create some quick visuals.  A slideshow presentation is easy to create.  You have to summarize your information into easy chunks that deliver the strongest message.  Make your points quickly moving from one point to the next.

People might think negatively about microsoft powerpoint presentations, but they serve a purpose.  A presentation can help deliver the initial information that gets your audience interested enough to want to get more information.

Presentation slides have a good use online.  They provide another way to link back to your sites.  All you need to do is hyperlink the important topics.  Where might you add a hyperlink back to your sites?  The footer area or specific keywords related to the content back on your sites.

Just think about all the content that you have buried on your blog or website.  Now you have another way to bring some new life back to that content.  Great blog posts might be collecting dust and now you have a way to brush off all that dust and give a new path to your good information.

Now you have another way to bring traffic to your site.  Find good document sharing sites to post your content.  Remember to create good quality headlines for your documents.  The keyword monster seems to never go away.  The google free keyword tool is gone, but there are a few other tools that you can use to find good keywords for your docs.  

What are you waiting for?  Start creating high quality documents for your target audience.  Making slideshows and presentations is fun.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Make the Decision - Take Action

Do you see yourself as a small business owner?  A business really is a business.  Just because you are starting off small doesn't mean that your business will stay small.

I watched a video a few days ago that touched on this point.  The subject matter was really good and it was not a very long video.  The basic message was that you had to be in it to learn.

You don't really know something until you get into it.  You might have some views about it before you actually get into it, but once you start, you quickly have to learn on your feet.

Watching from the sidelines does not make you ready.  The only way to get ready is to do it.  You can watch basketball games all day long, but if you don't get on the court and start using the ball, you won't get better and improve.

It basically breaks down to testing.  Testing your thoughts and ideas to see if they really work.  You learn about testing in science class in school.  You just don't think about applying it in your business life.  The only way that you is to test it.

When you have two options and you test them, you get results.  Now you have a chance to improve your situation.  When you look at the results, one test result will be more effective than the other.  Do what works better and move forward.  Keep testing and trying new things and improving.

The whole point of the video was that the first step is getting into the game.  Sitting on the sidelines will not help you improve.  At some point, you have to test your ideas in business.  You have to put it on the line and try it.

This might be picking up the phone and calling prospects.  It might be releasing your software and adjusting it based on the customer problems and complaints.  Testing allows you to find what really works.

Get started on getting some results.  In your online business, are you still waiting to launch your business?  Are you just going to be a small business owner?  Start making decisions and putting your business into motion.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Getting started with a micro business

Just picked up a book called the 100 dollar startup.  You really have to start thinking like a business owner.  You cannot just think about getting a job and letting that do it.

A business has a potential upside that can change the game.  A job can be zapped and you can be outsourced.  There are so many people that build up lots of skills, but they only see the way to use them through a regular job.  

The 100 dollar startup is talking about a low cost way to get started into business.  The author gives examples of different people from around the globe are venturing into the arena of microbusiness.  These are not really big businesses, but they have the potential to grow into something more meaningful. 

The book talks about creating a consulting business and not taking more than a day to do it.  It is all about applying your specialized knowledge.  Can you find a market that needs something that you have to offer?  Micro business might be something that you need to consider.

What if you could come up with a business and get the ball rolling without spending a lot of money?  Do you have the mindset to take the first step towards creating a business for yourself?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Home Biz - finding markets, providing solutions and using the web

finding untapped markets

Should you look for untapped markets for your home business or instead go into a business area that is already making money?  There are upsides to both options.  Finding an untapped market might allow your business to get ahead of the competition and dominate the market.  Some business owners might choose to focus on an area that is already proven.  They know that there are customers ready to spend money in an area. 
providing affordable solutions

Pricing your products and services is a tricky subject.  Should you go for a low cost to get a customer or should you check other providers prices and price your products and services in a similar range?

Customers pay attention to prices.  Some companies might want to have low priced offers just to get new customers.  They might also have other higher priced offerings that they showcase later on down the line.  A business might want to position itself with higher prices to signal that its products and services have more value than lower priced competitor products. 

using the internet

Companies can market products in different ways.  Internet marketing is attractive for a lot of different reasons.  Low cost to get started is just one.  Websites and blogs can turn the sales process to the customers preference.

Generating leads using the web can be accomplished with setting up a sign up box.  Email newsletters and ezines are information sources that prospects might want to take advantage of.  

Companies can create free information as an incentive to get prospects to join the list.  

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cheap Business Cards

You find all of these online deals for cheap business cards.  You decide to check them out.  

After entering all the information and getting everything setup, you finally get to the checkout page. That is when they get you.  You are expecting to get cheap business cards for a super low price, but they have another idea in mind.

The cheap business cards might have a high cost for shipping and handling.  It might also take a long time to get your business cards.  That really sucks.

You just want to get some good business cards at the price that they display, but you have to know deep down that it might be too good to be true.

So you are sitting at your computer, looking at the checkout screen and have to make a decision.  Are you going to spend the extra money?  This is the internet.  The great thing about the web is that the back button and the address bar are not out of reach.  

You start to wonder if it is better to use the internet for business cards or is it better to just get the business cards from a business that is located close by.  With the local business card printing company, you don't have to worry about shipping and handling.  

I am still looking for good cheap business cards.

Blogging - Add Content, Images, Videos and More

Create your own blog and start adding content to it.  Does it seem like blogging is hard to do?  Blogging is not hard at all.  You can write content for your blog on your own time and pleasure. 

Think about your online audience and what they want to hear about.  You have products and services to offer, but you might not want to do a hard sell immediately. 

A blog is a great way to share information.  You can post all kinds of info on a blog.  You don't have to just do a lot of writing on your blog.

Blogs are a great location to post photos and other types of information.  Some people are more visual and you don't want to ignore them.  Long blog posts might be perfect for turning into a video. 

You don't have to appear on camera for your videos. You can do screen capture or use photos to create a slideshow video.  Making visuals for your blog just gives it more appeal.

When you create new content for your blog, you might start getting some web traffic as a result. You don't want to ignore your web visitors.  How would you feel if you tried to talk to someone, but they just looked in your face and ignored you?  You want to respond to your blog readers.

How can you stay updated with your blog readers?  You can respond through the comments section.  You might come up with some really good blogging content and people start to respond.  They might tell you through the comments section just how good your new content is.  This is an opportunity to bring the conversation forward.  

Not all blog comments are real.  Sometimes you will find that some comments are being created just to try to get traffic to other blogs or sites.  This is called blog spam.  Nobody likes it, but you have to deal with it.  Most blog owners will just send those spam blog comments to the trash can.

Now you have some blog basics that you can use to get started.  Get your own blog started and start creating compelling information.  

How can you use cost per action on your sites?

Cost per action marketing sounds really complicated.  The simple way to think of it is getting money for getting people to do stuff.  That is pretty simple right.

Email addresses are just one way that you can earn money with cpa.  Companies want to get more leads.  Leads drive a companies business.  Leads might not buy something immediately, but they might continue to make offers in the future.  Email addresses are a simple piece of information.  People might have many different email accounts.  The only factor about email accounts is that people tend to check them on a regular basis.

Do you check your email everyday?  You probably do.  Getting people to give their email address for information on something that they want is found all over the internet.  With cpa, you might earn money for someone supplying their email address for an offer.

Cpa offers are different from regular affiliate marketing links that you might be use to.  Cpa offers might expire just like the milk in your fridge.  With cpa offers, you have to get them in front of the traffic fast.  There are lots of ways to market cpa offers, but you have to play by the rules.  If you don't play by the rules, and you get caught, you could lose your account.  You don't want that.

Come up with a plan for getting traffic to your cpa offers.  Some will use free marketing options and others will pay for the traffic.  If you have an email list, you want to check to see if the offer can be marketed that way.

Another way to promote a cpa offer is to use a domain name.  You might have seen a good domain name deal from a web hosting company like godaddy.  They sometimes have domains for super cheap prices.  This can be a good chance to snatch up a domain name and forward it to your cpa affiliate link.  Cpa affiliate links can be long and contain a lot of information.  Dressing up your cpa affiliate link with a nice and clean looking domain name is a great option.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Growing Your Internet Business

What are some of the reasons for wanting an internet business?  People have dreams of running their own company and becoming their own boss.  The idea of creating something from scratch and turning into something that can earn money is exciting.

The internet is the perfect place to offer services.  Not too long ago, it would be hard to do business outside of your regular lcoation.  Now with the web, it brings many people together.  The internet connects buyers and sellers from around the globe.

There are lots of different services that are in need.  In the past, it would take a lot of knowledge to create a website or a webpage for that matter.  Now there have been advancements that make creating websites and web development something that just about anybody can do.  The only thing that changes are the types of ways of earning money.  There was a lot of money made in the past with computer programming jobs.  There are still lots of people making money for these kinds of services, but they might be doing something a little bit different.

Websites can still be made with html code or with php, but more internet users have started using blogs to create sites.  There is a business in creating services for the blog platforms.  Wordpress is a popular blogging and content management system.  Programmers can create software for the wordpress platform.  Instead of creating a lot of standalone software, programmers might go where a lot of the action is. 

The internet makes it all worth while to start an internet based business.  There are a number of other reasons for using the web for business purposes.  The web makes it easy to do more now.  You can hold conversations using internet calling services like skype.  Low cost communications like cell phones and smartphones allow you to conduct business without a lot of the higher overhead. 

The web also makes it easier to outsource work.  You don't have to do everything yourself in business anymore.  You can find other service providers and get the tasks done that help you satisfy your online customer base.  

Your online business might be setting up websites.  You could create the content yourself or you could use freelance writers to get the job done.  Content is something that also has value and can be a business venture.  

We talked about blogs becoming really popular online.  They are easy to setup and just about anybody can start one.  One of the facts that comes into play is the need for content.  People are looking for good content and a blog is a good way to deliver the information.

If you know how to write good content, you are light years ahead of the game.  Content needs to flow online.  There are always new events that are happening and there are always going to be new people looking to learn new information.  One way that people choose to learn is to read information online.  If you can write good content, there is nothing that can stop you.

Blogs get started all the time and sometimes those blogs don't stay updated.   This is potentially where your writing skills can come into play.  There are lots of websites that offer affordable writing services and blog owners might consider taking a chance on other writers providing content for their sites.  

Content is important.  People are looking for information and they head over to the search engines to find what they are looking for.  Another internet business service that has potential is seo services.  Search engine optimization has some basic rules but some business owners might not understand all the technical details and they might not have the time to invest in learning it themselves.  They are interested in getting results.  All you have to do is bring up the topic of web traffic online and you will get lots of pages of information in return.  Search engine optimization comes with just about every website and it is important when it comes to creating content.

An internet business can have a low barrier of entry.  There are lots of different types of services that can be offered.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.