Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Giving up too early

Creating your own projects and starting your own business on the internet means stepping up and trying something new.  Reading books about building a business gives you the ideas, but you still have to take the next step which is really important and that is action.

What is holding people back from taking action in their business?  Fear and failure are two words that pop up.  The idea of picking up the phone and talking to someone or writing an email searching for new business seems like a hurdle that people don't want to jump.  Why is failure such of a big fear?

Some people make the decision that they are going to do something different and they put the fear to the side.  They push forward and go after the things that they want in life.  

Being disappointed and not immediately experiencing success is a big idea floating around in the minds.  Failure is experienced all the time in daily life, but in some cases, it just seems like it matters more.  

You go to the store searching for something that you really want like cookies.  The first store that you visit doesn't have the kind of cookies that you want.  Are you broken up about it?  Do you break down because they don't have them?  No.  You know that there are other stores that you can visit.  You keep on the road to your desired result of getting the cookies that you desire.

Why is it any different in business or anything else?  You want to start your own internet business and you get some rejection and failure.  You can stick with it and get your cookies or you can deny yourself the chance to have those tasty cookies by giving up too early.

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