Saturday, July 11, 2015

Work From Home - Website Domains Hosting and Content

What about creating a job to work from home that is based around the internet work of creating websites?  Creating a website for an online portfolio would require a number of different steps.  The steps could include learning about web hosting, domain names, and web programming.

Getting into the ground floor of web hosting is simple.  There are low cost web hosting companies that you could start with as low as 1 penny for the first month of the hosting cost.  The crucial part of getting web hosting might be having an account that has unlimited domains.  

The second learning step is getting into the right domain names at the right price.  This could mean learning about the different domain companies and finding the best domain reg companies with the best online deals.  Coupon codes and special offers for domains could be the secret option for getting ahead with domains.  Learning about expired domains and going after the different domain extensions could be a big part of learning about the online internet business.

The final step would be getting into programming.  Knowing how to create interactive websites would be a big help.  Learning about the new popular programming languages and tools for web development could be time consuming, but important in building an online business.

Putting all the pieces together would give a solid foundation for building websites.  After getting the new sites created, another topic would come into the clear picture.  The topic would turn to the online gold of content creation.  A great looking website could still have problems if the content is not getting the attention of the targeted online users.  Finding high quality content or writing good content could also be a job from home.

Creating websites and online properties leads to thinking about online advertising, lead generation and product sales.  How could the websites be turned into income from the web?  Google ads, cost per action ads, or information products could all be used to go after web income.  

One other point to think about with websites is that the sites could be created in different formats.  Just like real estate has different categories, websites can be in different categories.  Websites could be basic one page sites or membership websites.  They could have different business models.  Some websites are free online and others might charge a monthly access fee. 

Creating sites for the internet is simple, but there are still lots of people that are in business that don't have websites that are ready for prime time.  Websites are upgraded just like clothes for different seasons.  Changing the way the sites function and creating new features means opportunity is present.  Responsive websites are now the online rage.  

Working from home was just the start.  How many websites could you put into your online portfolio?  How many websites are you going to flip or sell?  The choice is up to you.   

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