Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Business - What are you thinking about?

What are the images that pop into your head when it comes to getting into business?  It might be something simple like a person that is dressed in a suit.  It might be a person pulling out a wallet and handing over a platinum business credit card to pay for a big purchase.

Can you see yourself opening up your laptop and pulling up the latest internet browser to view your online business bank accounts?  It is all about thinking and taking action to become a person that thinks and performs business.

What is a business person?  Is it all about the big business cars, business travel, and meeting with people at expensive lunches?  The bottom line with business is providing goods and services to people that will pay for them.

You are participating in business transactions right now.  You buy stuff.  Do you ever sell stuff?  Are you paying attention to what people are buying?   Could you bring products to market and sell them?

There are lots of people that have phones, but are they using them as business phones?  Are they just talking on the phone and wasting their minutes or are they putting plans in action to turn those cell phone minutes into real business income?  These are questions that you have to ask yourself.

There is one service that will continue to be needed.  It is called business marketing.  Sales and marketing are going to be an item that cannot be wasted or ignored.  Regular people have lots of messages coming at them and they will forget about a business.  

There are constantly new services, products and features that have to be sold.  Some items are getting old and new items and services are coming in to replace them.  Do you still use a brick sized cell phone?  Probably not.  Improvements are getting made and marketing and sales help you make the decision to upgrade to the current available options.

There are risks with getting into business.  Nothing always goes right.  This is why there is an option for business insurance.  It helps to have a plan in place for when things don't work the way that they are planned.  Insurance for a business is worth looking into.

What about the financing?  Where is the money going to come from to do the business?  The key is business financing.  Planning and action are just two important parts.  Business owners need to know about financing and accounting.  Learning about loan products and compound interest are worth putting the time and the effort into getting up to speed.  Where is the operation going to work from.  This is where real estate and internet technologies need to be checked.  Does it make sense to rent a place or buy a building for the business?  These are questions that need to be asked and answered.

What about finding good workers?  Are you ready to start taking on employees?  What about independent contractors?  What about farming the work out to another agency?   The questions about business are numerous.

You might not want to deal with employees in your business.  You might want to act like the larger established businesses and use outsourcing the work as a means of getting tasks and projects completed.

One thing is for sure, the advancement of business technology means that companies have more choices.  Running a business and knowing how it operates is just one part of the puzzle.  What about a laser focus on business strategy?  Just because you know how to do the business today does not mean that your business will be around in a few years. Just think about how technology changed the travel business.  People working as travel agents got creamed by software code and web browsers. 

Business is competition.  How do you make sure that your business is ready for the marketplace with all the information floating around.  Your propsects are armed with powerful information in their hands.  Is your team keeping up with the current market?  When is the last time that you took a look at business training for your niche?  

What is going to be your business model?  Are you going to spend lots of money on office space, using a virtual office program or working from home?  Things are changing quickly when it come to internet business. 

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