Sunday, April 27, 2014

Write. Write. Write.

Writing articles from scratch for your online sites is simple.  Pick a topic and let it roll.  Write. Write. Write.

You could start by listing the keywords that you want to cover and then creating an outline.

This is simple and straight forward.  It is just like providing coloring lines from when you were a kid.

Think about any type of game and there are rules.  You setup the rules for writing your content and it can make your writing appear faster.

You might make an article by deciding to come up with 30 tips.  This would not be a hard article to write.  Just number the page and then start to add them one by one.

You could also make a story for your content.  Stories are so simple that anyone can make them.  Think about a current topic and how you want to weave it into your story.  Begin at the end and work your way back.  Simple.

Writing content does not have to be hard.  Some people might sit at the computer and have a hard time trying to come up with something to write about.  Don't just sit there.  Get up and do something else for a few minutes.  Download some plr articles and read them.  Read some articles on your favorite blog or website.  Listen to a song that you like.  You can do all kinds of stuff to start breaking the writing block.  Just start writing words on a page.  They don't have to be good, you just want to get the train rolling away from the station.

Write content about your goals.  Write content about the products that you like and don't like.  Write content and turn it into your own product.  Write and write some more.

Write content about your favorite type of class.  Write about your favorite speaker.  The content flow does not have to stop.  Write content about what you want to change.  Write articles about what you want to improve.

What if you really don't like typing?  It doesn't mean that you have to stop.  Get a tape recorder.  Use your smartphone and start talking your articles.  Pick up a video camera an record your articles.  Create, create and create some more.

Create articles for beginners.  Make articles for intermediate level followers.  Go super hard into the advanced level articles.  Make your articles super serious and make some fun articles that don't make much sense.  Your content flow is constantly on.  Use it.  

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