Thursday, October 3, 2013

Make the Decision - Take Action

Do you see yourself as a small business owner?  A business really is a business.  Just because you are starting off small doesn't mean that your business will stay small.

I watched a video a few days ago that touched on this point.  The subject matter was really good and it was not a very long video.  The basic message was that you had to be in it to learn.

You don't really know something until you get into it.  You might have some views about it before you actually get into it, but once you start, you quickly have to learn on your feet.

Watching from the sidelines does not make you ready.  The only way to get ready is to do it.  You can watch basketball games all day long, but if you don't get on the court and start using the ball, you won't get better and improve.

It basically breaks down to testing.  Testing your thoughts and ideas to see if they really work.  You learn about testing in science class in school.  You just don't think about applying it in your business life.  The only way that you is to test it.

When you have two options and you test them, you get results.  Now you have a chance to improve your situation.  When you look at the results, one test result will be more effective than the other.  Do what works better and move forward.  Keep testing and trying new things and improving.

The whole point of the video was that the first step is getting into the game.  Sitting on the sidelines will not help you improve.  At some point, you have to test your ideas in business.  You have to put it on the line and try it.

This might be picking up the phone and calling prospects.  It might be releasing your software and adjusting it based on the customer problems and complaints.  Testing allows you to find what really works.

Get started on getting some results.  In your online business, are you still waiting to launch your business?  Are you just going to be a small business owner?  Start making decisions and putting your business into motion.

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