Friday, May 6, 2016

Water Spilled on Laptop

Not paying attention and not being super careful turned into a real problem.  The laptop was sitting on the desk.  The desktop computer monitor was going to be swapped out.  There was a big cup of water also on the desk.

Not remembering that the big cup of water was there and just attempting to unplug the monitor turned into one of those moments from the wide world of sports.  

The cup must have been bumped.  The water flew threw the air just in the direction of the laptop.  Splat.  All over the laptop.  Running to grab a towel to try to get the water off the laptop as soon as possible didn't help.  

What is the rule when it comes to water spilled on a laptop. Didn't watch the video before hand.  Hoped that the water was dried up and tried to turn it on.  Just now watched a video to learn that you don't want to turn on a laptop when water was spilled on it. 

Now, just hoping that the laptop will recover at some point.  You have plenty of information on your computer systems.  You get used to using it everyday without too much of a problem.  Then you make a bonehead mistake and the use of the laptop is up in the air.

All just for trying to change a stupid monitor.  Now, the idea of having to put down money on getting a new laptop comes into the picture.  You just have that glimmer of hope that it will fire up in a few days.  Hoping for that windows 10 screensaver and the chance to log in again with everything being okay.  

I really thought the cup was empty.  I was not playing it safe.  I tried to do something too fast without thinking it through.  Now, the spilled water on the laptop is a story to tell.  You never should have liquid around a laptop or computer device, but you just pushed your luck and bam.  

Didn't think about backing up your computer files either.  The water in the laptop might take down some software programs that you had installed.  Trying to remember all the passwords.  Trying to remember all the files that were there.  

Watch the spilling water on your laptop videos.  You might need to know this information.  You don't think that you will turn into Homer Simpson, but when you spill water on the laptop and you say dooope.  What were you thinking having water even close to the laptop?  Now, you just have to sit back and wait.  Should have backed up the laptop.  Getting a external hard drive for a backup or an online backup would have been a good idea.

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