Monday, September 15, 2014

The Online Creative Outlet - Telling Stories

How hard is it to get into starting a business online?  The story can start really on a simple note.  The first page in the story is getting the idea and going towards it.

The web is the place of much fancy and fun.  The internet is information and it can be used for lots of different things.  It is a huge content source that a regular person could use to tell stories and leverage that story traffic into income.

Does it even make any sense?  On the web, the story does not have to make sense.  It can just be something that is entertaining.  The story could be about the struggle of finding a job for the regular college educated person that is filling out lots of applications for jobs.  You might get the image into your mind about that quick little statement.  You can see the person walking across the stage and getting their bright and shiny new degree from college.  You can see the bright eyes of the new graduate looking into their future with a great new job at a big large corporation.  The story has a beginning and an ending.

What happens in between those two points?  The new college graduate goes through a lot of ups and downs in between landing that perfect job and getting up early in the morning and going into the office.  This is just a simple example of telling a story to make a point. 

What does telling a story have to do with anything online?  The story can be a way to supply the content.  You might be able to take that one simple storyline and create lots of different subplots and events within it.  It is just like having a starting point and an ending point, but there is plenty of room in between.

The starting point and the ending point creates a really wide open space to use creativity.  How can this be?  The story of the new college graduate is just like taking a trip.  The college student might know where they want to go, but all of the steps to actually getting there become a real adventure.

The adventure of going on the journey is great for the web.  Content is one of those topics that really don't have a cap on them. You could begin talking about the new college grad in lots of different ways.  Each new topic could be creative and interesting.

What are the goals of the new college grad?  What are the challenges that they are facing?  It could be a tough field that they are trying to land a job in.  They might want to land a job in the tough field of advertising.  They might want to use their new business degree to earn lots of money.   The goals could be firmly in place, but the realities of landing that high paying gig might be a real obstacle course.

What could be some of the obstacles of getting that first job after college?  The new college graduate with a degree might have focused all of their attention on getting the highest grades possible.  Don't most students attempt to get the best grades?  The new college grad could have received really great marks, but they later found that the top grades were not a replacement for getting experience in the field.

The new college grad is now finding that the competition is tough and that businesses want to have really bright individuals that also have the experience to get the job done.  The story could keep on evolving in different formats.

The web is the perfect place to explore.  The storytelling could be done in lots of different ways.  They could be told on blog posts, videos or with ebooks.  The key is in the creative mindset.  There is not cap on how many books a person can write.  The web is there 24 hours a day for the creative outlet.  

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