Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mobile Marketing and Your Home Business

Remember the old days of marketing

Some of old ways of doing things come back around again.

I can remember in the late 80s and early 90s tv commercials and videos that promoted hotlines.

You remember the Phone hotlines.

There might have been a popular tv show or hot rap group that asked you to call 976 blah blah blah.

Those numbers stayed around for a while, but they charged big money just for making those calls.

Those were the days when there were not that many phones running around.

People had lots of landline phones in their homes.

You might have only had one phone line back then.

Now everything has changed and just about every person has a cellphone ( tracfone / flip phone ) or smart phone.( iphone / android mobile computing device )

Phones today don't just make phone calls.  They connect to the web and that is huge.

It opens the door to way more potential business opportunities.

Customers have plenty of information right at their finger tips.

The new affiliate marketing model is now at hand.

Create Your Plan and Take Massive Action

Is your current plan to not have a plan?

Take sports for example.  Before a game, the team comes up with a plan.

Even before they practice, the coaches come up with a game plan.

The game plan requires taking a look at the competition.

The game plan requires solving the problems that the other side brings to the table.

The game plan provides the focus.

The plays are created.

The plays are tested in real time through practice.

The practice may reveal places where changes need to be made.

This goes on day after day until it is game time.

There is massive action happening all the way up until the real game starts.

The real action takes place and now the game plans are testing each other through real movements.

What is your game plan?

What is your practice schedule?

What is the real game that you are playing?

Who is your competition?

Make a List and Focus

Write Down What you want to get done

Making a list does work.

Have you ever been to the market without a list?

Did you buy stuff that you didn't really want?

Did you forget to get the things that you really needed?

Make a list and you eliminate the distractions.

Making a list makes you focus.

Even if you don't complete everything on your list, you get closer to your goals.

The List helps you focus on progress.

Get clear on your goals and then start putting your efforts toward getting the essential things done.

Focus. Focus. Focus.

Start Your Own 30 Day Challenge

Come up with your own 30 day challenge.

What do you want to do?

Write out a plan

Plan every day of the challenge.

Get started

Work each day until you complete the challenge

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Set Your Goals and Keep Moving Forward

I am taking an online course on starting your own business.

The course is free.

The course is action based.

Are you constantly trying to improve your business?

Are you stuck doing the same things that don't work?

This course is asking the student to step outside of the normal comfort zone.

Are you doing things that don't lead to real results for your business?

I like the way that the course is structured.

One simple action is just writing down your ideas.

Are you coming up with a plan of action everyday?

Are you following through on what you say you are going to do?

This has really been a problem for me in the past.

Just the act of putting your ideas down on paper is big.

There is a process that is in play.

It is really the same process as learning to ride a bike.

You want to accomplish something new.

You might not get it right on the first attempt.

You don't quit.

You make adjustments and learn more.

You don't accept failure.

You just keep moving forward towards your goals and keep adjusting.

Create Your Blog and Start Building Your Mailing List

Try your hand at blogging.

Setup your own blogspot blog and start writing content.

I just picked up a marketing book that focused on affiliate marketing.

Blogging is just one topic that was covered.

Blogger is a really easy way to get started with online publishing.

The marketing book was focused on getting traffic and using affiliates.

One interesting topic was list building.

Creating a list of readers is important.

Your blog can be the gateway to a long term business.

Sign up with an email service and get a sign up box.

Place it on your blog where it is easy for your readers to see.

Create a free giveaway and give it to your newsletter subscribers.

The marketing book gave really great examples about what to include in autoresponder messages.

This was a real stumbling block for me.

The book gave a good outline of the types of content that you could provide from the start.

Create your blog to see how easy it is to get started.